Yes... I believe that " A day without Wine is like a Day without Sunshine". However ,we must all be responsible, alcohol reaches the brain in 20 to 30 minutes, at which time it begins to DULL alertness and slows down every drinker's reflexes, and reactions times. Alcohol also dramatically slows down the eye muscles used to focus on and track the movement of approaching vehicles and objects (hense, the roadside "follow the pen test").Because alcohol is a CONFIDENCE booster, drunk drivers refuse to accept their inability to drive normally and, even worse court disaster by speeding up! The worst time to judge if you should drive is after you drink. 45% of all traffic fatalities involve alcohol.
If you must drive, DON'T DRINK. If you know you are going to drink, DON'T DRIVE. Be smart, relax; get a non-drinker to do the driving. You can always drive tomorrow!
Dale Rossi
Wine Consultant/Team Leader
Wineshop At Home
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